I Shocked the World After Being Forced to Farm- Chapter 14

As a member of the university’s forum, Yu GuangHe was not entirely clueless of who the man standing in front of him was. He was the hot topic on the forum from yesterday. 

Yu GuangHe nudged Yu Ci slightly with his elbow and whispered, “Are you going to introduce us?” 

Yu Ci stood up and brought Qi Huai over, introducing the two with a big smile, “This is my good friend and the other half of the Art Department’s good-looking twin stars, Yu GuangHe.” 

When mentioning the “good-looking twin stars” Yu Ci increased his tone slightly. After hearing his introduction, Yu GuangHe, who normally had a thick skin, flushed. Isn’t it embarrassing to describe someone’s looks as “good-looking” in front of someone like Qi Huai?

Yu GuangHe glared playfully at Yu Ci and smiled at Qi Huai, “Hello, I am Yu GuangHe.” 

Qi Huai nodded, face cold as ever, “Hello, I am Yu Ci’s neighbor, Qi Huai.” 

After his short introduction, he cocked his head at Yu Ci, “Who is the other one?” 

Yu Ci hummed in confusion. 

Amusement twinkled in Qi Huai’s eyes, “I asked, who is the remaining twin?” 

Yu Ci blinked, and not feeling ashamed at all, pointed his slender fingers at himself, “ Well it’s me of course.” 

“Seems like that evaluation wasn’t an exaggeration.” 

Yu GuangHe expressionlessly stuck his chopstick of tripe into the hotpot. To be honest, he was in a complicated mood. Why did he feel like he shouldn’t be there at the moment and that he should leave? But it was obvious that Qi Huai was the third wheel! 

Stuffing his mouth with tripe, he supported his chin and observed Yu Ci. Yu Ci had found a wet tissue and handed it over to Qi Huai to wipe his seat. Smiling, he then soaked the bowls and chopsticks with hot water and delivered them to Qi Huai as well. 

Yu GuangHe had two thoughts: Qi Huai was so fussy and Yu Ci was so tolerant. 

Sure enough, good-looking people have it easier. 

Yu Ci and Yu GuangHe were eating hot pot, and not a lot of people disliked eating hot pot. After eating for nearly two hours, Yu Ci felt a little uncomfortable, and leaned lazily on Yu GuangHe’s shoulders, “It’s been so long since I’ve felt so comfortable.” 

For the past few days he had been growing cucumbers vigorously. It was a tiring task and he couldn’t spare any time to relax. 

Yu GuangHe pushed the offending head aside in disgust, “Don’t rub your oily mouth on my clothes. You gave me this outfit. It’s so expensive and I can’t afford another set.” 

Yu Ci’s mouth twitched as he got up leisurely to pay. 

Once he arrived home, he added Qi Huai on WeChat, waved goodbye, and closed the door. 

Laying on the sofa, Yu Ci yawned twice, and decided to drag his lazy body to his bathroom. Just then his phone dinged. Yu GuangHe had sent him a post. 

【Shock! School Grass’s popularity has broke the circle!】

(T/N: to others outside the school) 

After filling the tub, Yu Ci laid in the tub, lazing in the warm water and didn’t want to move anymore. He checked his phone again, this time clicking the link and reading the content. 

 1L: 1L is sacrificing to the heavens, 2L explain. 

2L: I am a professional internet surfer and have won the national gold medal for it. So today, as I was surfing, I had discovered something that shocked my entire core. This is what happened. As I was surfing on Weibo this morning, I swiped onto a big V Weibo account, @the little brother I fancy can’t run away. Attached is the screenshot. 

The little brother I fancy can’t run away V: My fellow brothers and sisters, I am back. Today I require the contribution of all netizens. Open the pictures and take a good look at them. If this little brother is not good-looking, I’ll poke your eyes out. [image] [image]

The first image was a screenshot of the conversation between the contributor and blogger. 

Aiya I fell: BeiBei! I’m here to contribute. This was taken last night when I passed by the gates of the Imperial Capital University. That little brother selling the cucumbers is so handsome! Super handsome! He is 100x more attractive in person than the picture. Because it was night time and the lighting wasn’t so good, I could only take this kind of quality pictures. 

The little brother I fancy can’t run away: F**king awesome. 

The simple 2 words vividly expressed the blogger’s shock and excitement. 

(T/N: In Chinese it was 4 words)

The second image was the picture of the rumored little brother that was selling cucumbers. Standing under the street light, the young man leaned casually against the truck door. The figure underneath the t-shirt was both lean and firm. His lowered eye and brows emitted a warm and beautiful feeling.  He seemed to be talking to the crowd in front of him as his pose in the picture was stretching out his hand–

His slender fingers appeared even more delicate and white underneath the streetlight where every single bone was pronounced and highlighted. 

Although the contributor said that the lighting wasn’t too good, the photo still emitted a special feeling. Even if people couldn’t see the exact facial features of the young man, the image perfectly expressed the person’s temperament.    

The screenshot on the forum only showed content up to this point and did not include any of the comments made on the original post. But even so, it was enough for some of the students to sigh. 

Everyone seemed to agree on this one comment: Great, the treasure of our University had been revealed to the outsiders. 

Yu Ci raised his eyebrows and touched his face. He felt that his fellow schoolmates were exaggerating. If the person in the image had been replaced by Qi Huai, then wouldn’t the headline be: The breathtaking beauty besides the truck!

Yu Ci couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of Qi Huai seeing that trending image. 

Watching the normally cold expression turn hostile would be a very fulfilling and amusing experience. 

Yu Ci replied to Yu GuangHe: I hope Yu GuangHe, one of the twin stars, will catch up to my fame soon.   

Yu Guanghe: Bah.

Yu Guanghe: Let Qi Huai chase you.

Yu Ci: With that face? Does he even need to chase? He’s already ahead of me by a few thousand miles. 

Yu GuangHe first sent a series of ellipsis to express his speechlessness, and then sent a voice message. 

“Why do I feel like you treat him differently?” 

Yu Ci typed: Who let him be so attractive? 

Yu GuangHe: ….?

Yu Ci: Look at his face and figure. Don’t you want him to model for you? To be honest I had thought about it. But, he’ll definitely reject me. How unfortunate. 

Yu GuangHe: I’m so sorry. I misinterpreted your love for art as something dirty. I’m going to sleep. Good night. 

C City was located next to the Imperial Capital. The most famous university there was HuaHai University. Although HuaHai couldn’t be compared with the Imperial Capital University, it wasn’t bad and was ranked in the top ten national universities. 

In HuaHai’s Art Department.

“Hey, did you guys hear? Yu School Grass from the university next door broke through the circle. In the past few days his photos have been circulating on Weibo. I’ve always known he’d be popular. In the past I used to head over to Imperial Capital University to sneak a peek at him, but he would always be surrounded by a few hundred people.” 

The speaker was a girl with long curly hair and beautiful makeup and had a gleaming light in her eyes. Holding up her phone, she danced around happily, “Yu Ci is so handsome!” 

“Yu Ci ah. I’m not surprised he broke out the circle. Heh, those guys at Imperial Capital University tried so hard to hide their school grass. Every year on Weibo’s yearly evaluation of each school’s school grass, he wouldn’t be featured. I thought those guys really intended to appreciate his beauty alone.” 

The girls chatted and discussed with each other. Song SiPin, who was sitting by the window, frowned slightly. Her ears perked up, eavesdropping on their conversation. Finally after listening for a while, she heard the key words:

School grass, Yu Ci, Weibo, selling cucumbers. 

What does Yu Ci have to do with selling cucumbers? 

 She pursed her mouth in doubt. Although she had a physiological aversion to the name “Yu Ci” her intuition told her that this matter might not be so simple, and it would be a pity if she missed out. A flash of light flashed through her eyes. She casually joined into the girls’ discussion and after a while, picked up her phone to search about Yu Ci. 

The little brother I fancy can’t run away V: Thank you guys for the information. The handsome guy is the School Grass of Imperial Capital University. I won’t reveal anything about his name. Anyways, he’s just an attractive and awesome person. Additionally, I found out that the school grass was indeed selling cucumbers. Hahaha. Not making fun of the school grass. It’s just very cute. Also, being handsome is being handsome. Even when he drives a truck, he is still so attractive that he makes your legs go soft. 

Song SiPin clicked on the user’s Weibo homepage and opened his original comment to learn what transpired. 

“Hahaha, so down to earth, ah.” 

“I heard that the cucumbers were personally planted by the school grass, and they’re delicious! My friend has been telling me about the taste, but unfortunately I haven’t been able to try it.” 

“Is the person upstairs being serious? Can cucumbers be delicious? Don’t lie to us because of Yu Ci’s pretty face!” 

“To tell the truth, I’m from the same school as Yu Ci, and the cucumbers Yu School Grass plants are absolutely unique. Those who haven’t tasted it could never comprehend how delicious it is. Also I just want to say: Yu Ci is awesome! PS: I am a straight man and not part of Yu Ci’s fanclub.” 

 “Secretly breaking the news. That night, school grass also got into a fight with another fuerdai. School Grass won the fight. Even when he fights, School Grass is still super handsome!” 


The more she read, the more incredulous Song SiPin’s expression became. 

What was Yu Ci doing? 

The young master of the prestigious Yu family was driving a truck around selling cucumbers? And lying to others that he planted them himself? And most importantly, getting into fights in front of the school? 

Realizing these points, Song SiPin gasped heavily. She hurriedly screenshotted the comments and sent them to her mother. Soon after, a call was made to Song SiPin’s cell phone. 

Seeing the contact name, she immediately got up and walked towards the restrooms to answer. 

“Hey mom?” 

“What you sent me, are they telling the truth?” 

Song SiPin picked at her fingernails, lips curling into a smile, “Of course they’re telling the truth. There’s pictures of it on the internet. Mom, if you tell Dad, would Dad get very angry?” 

Yu Ci selling cucumbers. Just saying these words sound ridiculous. 

Especially for a man like Song Hao, who wants to save face, Yu Ci was simply smashing rotten eggs over his head. 

“Yu Ci didn’t come back for Chinese New Year, nor did he come back for the previous banquet. Dad’s already irritated with him. Now if Dad knows that Yu Ci was selling cucumbers, he’d definitely become even more angry. Mom let’s tell Dad about this.   

Song SiPin continued to smile, “I really want to see Yu Ci being disowned.”

Translator Notes/Comments:

Look, more cannon fodders appearing. I wonder how Yu Ci’s going to deal with them.
Everyone simps for Yu Ci, but Yu Ci only simps for Qi Huai.
Also, did Qi Huai just roast Yu GuangHe’s looks….?
Yu GuangHe is also my favorite character now.
Another also, Yu Ci is now starting to shock the population. Shock.

5 thoughts on “I Shocked the World After Being Forced to Farm- Chapter 14

    1. I’m at lost too 😭 he mentioned have an older brother 🤔 and from his fight with dong wenyan it seems like he has an okay(?) relationship with his dad or at least he can beat up his dad lol. Maybe a cousin?


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